When we drive on our Womelsdorf Pennsylvania streets, we encounter blind spots. We can greatly reduce our blind spots by properly adjusting our mirrors to give the widest coverage possible. Make the adjustments to your SUV before you start to drive. First, adjust your rear view mirror to give the best possible view directly to […]
We’re going to be talking about the ethics of automotive repair in Womelsdorf. Unfortunately, every profession has some bad actors that hurt the reputation of everyone else. It’s no different in the Womelsdorf area. In the automotive world, Womelsdorf industry associations and Pennsylvania professional licensing organizations are very committed to high ethical standards. Yet some […]
Sometimes the unthinkable happens here in Reading… A terrible accident and those involved aren’t able to provide our local Reading rescuers with emergency contact information. There are people who must be contacted to arrange help, give consent to treatment, inform paramedics of medical conditions, allergies or medications. Too often, Reading police and rescue workers must […]